Create The Life You Always Dreamed Of

Step Into A Better, More Successful You

Randy Hedge is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, trainer, and life coach. Whether you're looking to improve your career, business, relationships, or overall well-being, Randy’s methods can help you get the most out of yourself without experiencing burnout. 

Create The Life You Always Dreamed Of

Step Into A Better, More Successful You

Randy Hedge is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, trainer, and life coach. Whether you're looking to improve your career, business, relationships, or overall well-being, Randy’s methods can help you get the most out of yourself without experiencing burnout. 

Create The Life You Always Dreamed Of





Create The Life You Always Dreamed Of






Digital Entrepreneur

Let Randy explain the Six-Figure Online BluePrint. Our online product and course requires no previous experience or skill, and no monthly expenses, with a simple one-time affordable purchase. Work a couple hours a day from home or anywhere in the world. Our rejection-free, fully automated, proven system even lets you earn while you sleep. The key is promoting your provided product online and through social media platforms. Randy and his team guide, teach, and train you with their 24/7 online step-by-step program, their exclusive web-based community, and weekly live zoom trainings that encourage Q&A.

Build Residual Income From Home

Randy explains how you can start building a monthly residual income by simply helping people save money on essential services they're already using, such as cell phones, internet, electricity, natural gas, television, and an amazing alternative to health insurance. This opportunity allows you to work part-time from home and build a business that generates passive residual income month after month. Randy and his team of successful mentors will provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed. Click the button below and learn how to start your journey toward financial freedom today!

Keynote Speaker

Randy Hedge is an outstanding keynote speaker who can light up any room with his unique blend of humor, wisdom, and country charm. As the first runner-up at the Great American Speak Off at the 10X Growth Conference, Randy has wowed audiences of over 30,000 people with his powerful, energetic delivery and entertaining speaking style.

Success Coach

Randy is a highly respected personal coach and mentor who specializes in individual coaching to help people improve their lives and finances and achieve their goals. With years of experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to become a better version of oneself, Randy has helped countless people achieve their dreams and become the best possible version of themselves.

Digital Entrepreneur

Let Randy explain the Six Figure Online BluePrint. Our online product and course requires no previous experience or skill, no monthly expenses, with a simple one- time affordable purchase. Work a couple hours a day from home or anywhere in the world., Our rejection-free, fully-automated proven system even lets you earn while you sleep. The key is promoting your provided product online and through the social media platforms. Randy and his team guide, teach, and train you with their 24/7 online step-by-step program, their exclusive web-based community, and weekly live zoom trainings that encourage Q&A

Build Residual Income From Home

Randy explains how you can start building a monthly residual income by simply helping people save money on essential services they're already using. Services like cell phones, Internet, electricity, natural gas, television, and an amazing alternative to health insurance, this opportunity allows you to work part-time from home and build a business that generates passive residual income month after month. Randy and his team of successful mentors will provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed. Click here and learn how to start your journey towards financial freedom today!

Keynote Speaker

Randy Hedge is an outstanding keynote speaker who can light up any room with his unique blend of humor, wisdom, and country charm. As the first runner-up at the Great American Speak Off at the 10X Growth Conference, Randy has wowed audiences of over 30,000 people with his powerful, energetic delivery and entertaining speaking style.

Success Coach

Randy is a highly respected personal coach and mentor who specializes in individual coaching to help people improve their lives and finances, and achieve their goals. With years of experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to become a better version of oneself, Randy has helped countless people achieve their dreams and become the best possible version of themselves.


“The Cowboy” has been in business for over 30 years, helping people find their true path.

Randy Hedge, “The Cowboy,'' is a serial entrepreneur, investor, life coach, and keynote speaker.  

Randy has helped thousands build their own home-based, residual income business.

As your success coach, Randy's focus is helping your goal setting, mindset, and entrepreneurial success. He has a proven track record of guiding people to reach new heights and unlock their full potential, as he has helped many go from low hourly wages to creating thriving multiple six-figure businesses.

Randy is an outstanding keynote speaker who can light up any room with his unique blend of humor, wisdom, and country charm.


Too many times, people are only focused on business, creating income, and finding corporate success. But at what cost? 

If you are earning a high income but are unable to enjoy it with your family and friends, what’s the point? There should be a balance between earning a living and creating a fulfilling life. 

Randy's strategies allow you to reach your potential in business, relationships, and overall well-being without having to sacrifice. He does this by showing you the results of residual income.

He is the proof! With businesses spanning from car dealerships to cattle ranching, he has done it all. And he wants to show you how you can do it too!


Are you tired of being told that success in business means sacrificing other aspects of your life? I’ve got the tools you need to focus on what truly matters to you and finally start achieving ultimate life success! Click below to get in touch:



Randy Hedge, “The Cowboy,'' is a serial entrepreneur, investor, life coach, and keynote speaker. He’s been in business for himself for over 30 years, building multiple streams of residual income from insurance, cattle, real estate, e-commerce, car dealerships, and direct sales.  

Randy has helped thousands build their own home-based, residual income business through direct sales. He and his team have created a massive residual business generating over two million a month in recurring revenue from services like electricity, cell phone, and an amazing alternative to health insurance.

Randy helps common everyday people create the income and time freedom they want by saving people money for life-essential services like electricity, natural gas, mobile service, home security, and health insurance.


Are you tired of just making a living, working tirelessly at a job that doesn't fulfill you? If so, consider joining me in building a home-based business and taking control of your financial future. With years of experience and a proven track record of success, I have helped countless people achieve financial freedom and become the best version of themselves. Through individual coaching, workshops, seminars, and online training, I can provide you with the guidance and resources you need to build a successful residual income business.

By building a residual income stream, you can enjoy unlimited earning potential, more time for what matters, the freedom to work anywhere, and the ability to be your own boss. With the right mindset, strategies, and support, you can achieve the financial freedom and independence you deserve. And, with my coaching and mentoring, you'll not only be building a business but learning how to grow and build it to buy back your life. Making a living and making a life are two very different things.

So why wait? Take the first step toward creating the life you've always dreamed of today by joining me in building a successful home-based business. With my experience and guidance, you can start earning more, enjoying more freedom and flexibility, and living the life you've always wanted. Don't let another day go by without taking action toward your financial goals. Contact me today to learn more about how you can get started on the path to success.


"I have had the pleasure of watching Randy Hedge's career develop over 30 years. Randy is the most amazing speaker you will have a chance to listen to. He can control a room, he can captivate an audience, and he can deliver a powerful message using humor and country wit like non-other. I highly recommend Randy - I have heard hundreds of speakers in my lifetime, and Randy is the best of the best."


"I've heard Randy speak hundreds of times, and you know, the mark, in my opinion, of a true speaker, a gifted speaker is one that you can hear over and over and over again, and it still resonates with you. Randy Hedge has that gift, you know. When I know he's going to be on an agenda, I always want to be there to hear him speak. Today, we live in a world where people are beaten down, they're downtrodden, they're sad, they've lost hope, and we need people like Randy Hedge who can inspire, who can motivate, who can make you feel good about yourself. And he does that over and over again in a humorous way. Whenever Randy's on stage, we are in stitches from the content that he is delivering. And you know, Randy does this in the most humble way."

Willa Gipson

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Get The 10 Ways To Earn Residual Income!

Active income is great, but nothing beats earning money while you sleep. Enter your email below to receive my free guide on 10 proven methods to generate residual income, including the pros and cons of each strategy.

© 2023 The Randy Hedge Company LLC